Greasing cap available to a good home

John Lindell, of Richardson ACT, has contacted the club to offer this grease dispensing cap to a club member who can use it.

John doesn’t know what it is from.  Distributor shaft greaser? Water pump?  1920s?  Custom job?

Suggestions from members so far:

“Seen one like it on Holden 48/215 distributor”: – Chris Clark.

“likely to be for car, eg. water pump, as stationary engines rarely travel thousands of miles except by trailer. Apart from the inscription, much the same as for a lot of stationary engines which use greased bearings.” :- Bob Garrett.

“My 1924 dodge has one of these grease cups on the shaft for the fanbelt pully” : – Eddy Grima.

[UPDATE – the greaser has found a grateful new owner. Thanks John]