Club Events Calendar

NEXT GENERAL MEETING: 8p.m. Tuesday 8th October 2024,  Canberra Bridge Club, Deakin.

This will be the first General Meeting with some new Committee office-bearers since the Annual General Meeting in September.

Guest Speaker:  David Rogers on a long career in the Air Force 

Below are CACMC eligible events for vehicles on Concessional Registration.

For information on Extra Runs, Swap Meets etc that are also eligible, see The Colonial


Sunday 22nd September.  “President’s Run” to Bredbo.

 Each year the Club conducts a run suggested by the Club President – this year Graham Waite (retired as of 10 September).

10:30 Convene in the carpark at Kambah Village shopping centre , then

about 11:00 head off across the Tuggeranong Valley and up the Monaro Highway to the small town of Bredbo.

Members coming from northern and eastern home bases might choose to find their own way to the Monaro Highway and rendezvous with the Kambah group on the highway at Royalla.

Bredbo is famous for its Christmas Barn.  Main lunch destination will be the Bredbo Inn (“the Pub”) but there is also a popular pie shop and a pleasant picnic area (behind the Community Hall)  for any who prefer to bring BYO lunch.

Contact: Graham Waite 6288 4675 (H)   0412 627 437

Sunday 13th October.  Tulip Top flower farm

The Tulip Top farm, on the Old Federal Highway near Sutton, provides a pleasant and relaxed ambience in fine seasonal flowers and blossoming trees – without the stampedes of Floriade.

An itinerary to take us there on quiet roads is being put together and will be advised when available.

Lunch can be bought at two cafe-style venues on site, or BYO picnic.

This is a private garden, and there is an admission charge of $22 per head ($20 for seniors).

Contact: Guy Langford  email:  phone: 0403 526 976

Let us know your suggestions for future club runs: