The CACMC website now offers a lot of flexibility in the kind of material we can share online and keep up to date.
Use the revised menus or the enhanced “Search” facility to find what interests you. The Search also locates items of interest in The Colonial, as far back as 2011.
All pages can be viewed on tablets or smartphones as well as desktop screens.
Most of the historic content from the old site has been preserved, especially CACMC car stories and pictures in our galleries.
Our front-page “beauty parade” of vehicles shows off cars currently owned by club members.
Vehicles with a history in the Club, but that have passed to other ownership, can still be shown and found in our general gallery (which you can browse by marque, period, or owner) , in topical galleries, and in the relevant Car Stories.
More recent Car Stories will be found in the relevant editions of the online Colonial magazine, linked here.
Club members please provide us with up to date gallery photos and updates to your car stories where applicable – email to