It is important to do the right thing so as to not jeopardise our CRS privileges, which are always under scrutiny by governments.
If you are going on an away event specific to your vehicle make, ask the Editor to list it in the Colonial so that you are covered.
Or if there is a local event to which you intend going, and it is not listed in the Colonial, again contact Editor.
All excursions in CRS registered vehicles need to be either listed in the Colonial as an approved run, approved by the Club Registrar, or be a simple mechanical check or maintenance run.
This also applies to charity events. Just get them listed.
To be safe, carry your Colonial with you in the vehicle. If you receive only e-Colonials, print out the relevant pages to carry with you.
To avoid any embarrassments, drop the Registrar an email (or phone him) to let him know why you are using your vehicle. He will then be prepared to answer any query that comes through the Council.
Please read ACT Guidelines Below
90,093 (08/2013)
Road Transport Authority Motor Vehicle Registry
Guidelines for Australian Capital Territory Concessional Registration Scheme for Veteran, Vintage and Historic Motor Vehicles
Road Transport Authority • 13 – 15 Challis Street DICKSON ACT 2602
PO Box 582 DICKSON ACT 2602 • Telephone 13 22 81 Facsimile (02) 6207 6941
Vehicle Inspection Requirements
Guidelines for use of ACT Concessionally Registered Vehicles
Position of Council
The ACT Road Transport Authority (ACT RTA) has agreed to Concessional Registration (refer
Section 96 of Road Transport (General) Act 1999) of vehicles classified as Veteran, Vintage and
Historic (V, V and H). The registration of these vehicles under these arrangements is also
conditional (refer Section 33 of the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Regulations 2000, the
conditions being those outlined in these guidelines.
V, V and H vehicle owners are represented by many different car clubs, which are affiliated with
the Council of ACT Motor Clubs Inc (Council).
Administration of the Concessional Registration Scheme for these vehicles is to be conducted
jointly between Road User Services (RUS) and the Council.
Members of clubs not affiliated with the Council will not be eligible to participate in the
Concessional Registration Scheme.
To view the list of all the clubs affiliated with the Council visit The Counciul of ACT Motor Clubs website or alternatively for further information contact the ACT Council of Car Clubs via email to
Veteran, Vintage and Historic Vehicles
The following categories of vehicle qualify for concessional registration:
- Veteran – motor vehicle manufactured before 1919.
- Vintage – motor vehicle manufactured from and including 1919 to 1930.
- Historic – motor vehicle manufactured from and including 1931 to vehicles which are 30
years of age.
The concessional registration of V, V and H vehicles is a concession granted at the ACT RTA
discretion. It is not your right and it is up to you to ensure that the concession is not brought
into disrepute by operating outside the set guidelines. Remember it is not just your concession. Many other Club members will register vehicles under its terms, and all depend on each other to observe these guidelines and to keep within the spirit of
the concession.Scheme Regulation
Outlined below are the duties and responsibilities of RUS, The Council, Motor Vehicle Clubs and
Vehicle Owners.
Road User Services:
a )Provision of Registration labels and number plates.
b) Issue renewal reminder notices to vehicle owners.
c) Arrange for third party insurance for vehicles on concessional registration.
d) Inspect vehicles for roadworthiness.
The Council:
a) Co-ordination of the system.
b) Advise RUS of affiliated clubs participating.
c) Regulate clubs on the scheme.
d) Contact for RUS and clubs on policy.
e) Satisfy requirements of the Registrar of Incorporated Associations.
Motor Vehicle Clubs:
a) Affiliate with the Council.
b) Regulate the scheme.
c) Certification of financial members by the club Registrar.
d) Certification of age and authenticity of vehicle by the club Registrar.
e) Publish club activities which permit the use of members concessionally registered vehicles.
f) Issue members sufficient copies of the ‘Guidelines’.
Vehicle Owner:
a) Must be a financial member of a club affiliated with the Council.
b) Present vehicle/s for inspection when required.
c) Pay all fees for registration and third party insurance to RUS.
d) Operate the concessionally registered vehicle within the limits set out in these ‘Guidelines’.
Vehicle Inspection Requirements
The ACT RTA requires V, V and H vehicles to be inspected under the following circumstances:
a) Establish registration (i.e. first time registered in the ACT or re-registration where the earlier
registration has lapsed);
b) Transfer of ownership of a concessionally registered light vehicle;
c) Transfer of a concessional registered vehicle to ACT full (‘Y plated’) registration; and
d) When a vehicle over 4.5 tonnes GVM is an odd number of years old.
Inspection of vehicles exceeding 4.5 tonnes GVM can only be carried out at the RUS
Testing Station. For all other vehicles inspections can be carried out at any Authorised Inspection
Station or at the RUS Testing Station. In all cases a “Certificate of Inspection” will be
issued and this must accompany the “Application for Concessional Registration of a Motor
Vehicle” form.V, V and H vehicles not exceeding 4.5 tonnes GVM are not required to be inspected prior to
effecting annual registration renewal, providing there is no concurrent change of ownership.
However the RTA and Council strongly recommend that all such vehicles be checked annually by
club appointed examiners.All V, V and H vehicles will be liable to random roadside inspection by RUS inspectors. Where a
defect notice is issued as a result of such an inspection, the vehicle must be further inspected in
accordance with the requirements outlined in such a notice.Guidelines for use of ACT Concessionally Registered Vehicles
These guidelines have been developed by the Council to clarify the obligations expected of the
owner/driver of a vehicle registered under the ACT Concessional Registration Scheme.
In granting the concession, the ACT Road Transport Authority requires the Council to ensure that
the spirit of the concession is observed and that a system of self-regulation operates through the
clubs affiliated with the Council. These guidelines fulfill part of that requirement.
Purpose of Concession
The purpose or spirit of the concession, granted by the ACT RTA, is to provide a registration
scheme that enables older vehicles, which are used on a limited basis by their owners as a
recreation or hobby, to be maintained in a fit and roadworthy condition and to be driven on
Australian roads in a way consistent with their recreational or hobby status. Such a scheme is
paramount in preserving Australia’s automotive heritage.
To provide this capability ACT RTA has identified three main categories of use under the concession:- Events organised or approved by clubs affiliated with the Council;
- Occasional test runs of up to a 40 km radius; and
- Specific occasions not related to Club use (see page 7) when permission is first obtained
from the appropriate club Registrar.
As the owner of a concessionally registered vehicle your first responsibility (after ensuring that your
vehicle is roadworthy) is to obtain a logbook and use it to keep an up-to-date record of all occasions
when your vehicle is on the road.
This logbook record serves two purposes:
a) It is a requirement of the concession granted by the ACT RTA.
b) It provides a record of when and where you have used your concessionally registered
Note: In the event that you are challenged the logbook can be produced to substantiate the use
of the vehicle.
Entries in the logbook should indicate:
a) The type of run you have undertaken and the distance travelled (where an odometer is
fitted to the vehicle); and
b) A record of the total annual mileage of your vehicle.
Maximum Usage
For a vehicle to be used in a manner consistent with the spirit of the concession, it has been determined that the maximum distance travelled within the ACT should not exceed 3000kms or 2000 miles annually. This is consistent with the level of third party insurance premiums paid each year under the concession. Maximum Usage related to the Average Annual Usage, which under all normal circumstances is the most you would likely do within the ACT each year. The Council regards such Maximum Usage criteria as the ‘Dividing Line’ between normal Full Registration and Concessional Registration.
Note: It is important to recognise that if you expect to cover annual distances consistently greater than 3000kms or 2000 miles in the ACT, you should not register your vehicle under this concessional registration scheme.
Major Rallies
The Council recognises that if you use your vehicle on a major event (such as a national or an international rally) in Australia, the maximum mileage could easily be exceeded. In these cases such occasional usage falls within the spirit of the concession.
Club Events
Any event organised or approved by an affiliated Club constitutes a club event. In normal
circumstances, the event should be advertised in your Club’s newsletter or magazine, but an impromptu event involving more than one vehicle may also qualify. In this latter case, the event should be recorded in your logbook. Club events are not confined to the ACT.
Test Runs
The purpose of allowing test runs of up to a 40km radius under the concession is to provide a satisfactory mechanism for you to run your vehicle frequently enough to maintain it in anticipation of usage (i.e. battery charged, fuel and oil levels adequate, tyres correctly inflated etc.) and to satisfy you that it continues to be roadworthy (i.e. brakes, steering, lights, etc. are working efficiently).The Council has determined that there are two aspects to usage under the test run category.
These are:
a) Mechanical – where you use your vehicle specifically to test its mechanical state or in order to have work done on the vehicle; andb) Private – where as part of your program of keeping your vehicle roadworthy you use the vehicle for some private purpose such as a recreational outing or a visit to friends.
Other Occasions
There are other specific occasions when you are required to seek your Club’s approval before using your vehicle. Normally these occasions are where you use your vehicle to participate in some community, charity or non-Club event. In these cases it is important that the Club is aware of your involvement and you should advise the relevant details to the Club’s registrar.
Concessionally Registered Vehicle used for Hire or Reward
If you wish to use your concessionally registered vehicle for purposes of hire or reward, such as
for weddings, school formal (or similar functions) it is important that you familiarise yourself
with the relevant Road User Services requirements (including issue of permits and fees payable). Use of CRS-registered vehicles without the appropriate permits and insurance for such events is illegal.
Concessional registration does not allow a vehicle to be used for commuting purposes. The Scheme does not provide a low-cost alternative to full or normal registration and it is not designed to meet your essential transport requirements.The Council is concerned that any usage of a concessionally registered vehicle outside the spirit of the Scheme could bring the Scheme into disrepute, leading to the possible withdrawal of the concession. The Council and its affiliated clubs will maintain a continuing watch on this particular issue and clubs may be asked to justify and substantiate (through logbook entries) the use of concessionally registered vehicles.
Position of ACT Council of Motor Clubs
The Council’s position is that the use of your vehicle under the concessional registration
scheme is acceptable if:
a) You are operating within these guidelines; and
b) Your club is prepared to support you.
RUS has granted a realistic concession for the use of Veteran, Vintage and Historic vehicles. As the name implies, it is a “concession” granted at the ACT RTA’s discretion. It is up to you not to bring this concession into disrepute by operating outside the guidelines. Remember it is not your right and it is not only your concession, as many other people and clubs will register vehicles under its terms. All club members should depend on each other to observe these guidelines and to keep within the spirit of the concession.