Club by laws


  As amended 10 September, 2024


1.1 An Ordinary membership is one person paying ‘Single’ membership fees.

1.2 A Family membership is a single membership consisting of one Ordinary Member and the named partner of that Ordinary Member.

1.3 Honorary Life membership –is held by a person appointed by the committee, upon two thirds majority voting to that effect, followed by a special resolution of a general meeting of members confirming the same, in recognition of any fact which, in their opinion, entitles that member to this honour. On being so vested, the member shall become a permanent member without further payment of any membership fee. A Family Member who is the named partner of a Life Member may also be appointed an Honorary Life Member, in their own right, by the same process.

1.4 Corporate membership provides for members of like Associations, or other Associations or organisations both public and private in sympathy with our Aims and Objectives to become members. Bodies having Corporate Membership of CACMC may nominate representatives, two of whom may attend general meetings.

1.5 Honorary membership is conferred on a visitor who, on the recommendation of a member to the Committee may be considered for Honorary membership for a specific period normally not extending past the next AGM. CACMC at an AGM could extend that membership to the following AGM.


2.1 A ‘Member’ shall mean a unit of membership, subject to the classes of membership listed in Clause 1.

2.2 The rights of each class of membership are as follows:

2.2.1 Ordinary Members are entitled to one vote, receive The Colonial, may participate in the concessional registration scheme, hold CACMC office, and participate in all CACMC activities. Family and/or friends of the member are welcome to attend all functions as guests of the member, subject to any pricing arrangements determined by the Committee for any events or services for which members’ participation is subsidised by CACMC.

2.2.2 A Family Member is entitled to the rights of an Ordinary Member. The named partner of a Family Member is entitled to a separate membership badge, a separate vote at any meeting, to participate individually in any CACMC activity (including subsidised activities) and to hold office within CACMC in their own right.

If a Family Member for any reason ceases to be a member, the Committee may agree to convert the membership to an Ordinary membership in the name of the remaining partner and to note this change in the membership register.

2.2.3 Honorary Life Members – are entitled to all the rights of an Ordinary Member.

2.2.4 Corporate Members – are entitled to one vote, receive one Colonial subscription and cannot participate in the concessional registration scheme.

2.2.5 Honorary members – may speak at a general meeting but are not entitled to vote, do not receive a Colonial and are not entitled to participate in the concessional registration scheme.


3.1 The annual subscription shall cover membership for twelve months and and are to be paid before the 30th June in each year.

3.2 If any member fails to pay the annual subscription within 60 days of the 30th June each year, the Treasurer shall report accordingly to the Committee, who may cause the name of any such member to be erased from the list of members, but in the event of an explanation being made to the Committee which they consider sufficient, they shall have the power to restore the name to the list of members upon payment of all monies due to CACMC.

3.3 Membership fees for all classifications of membership and nomination fees shall be as determined at a CACMC General meeting, following a recommendation from the Committee. In the absence of such a recommendation, the fee structure will be as for the preceding Financial Year.

3.4 A later meeting, by notice of motion, may vary the membership fees determined by the previous meeting. A majority of two thirds of the members voting will be needed to change the fees.

3.5 Where a person joins in the latter part of the Financial Year, membership fees will be as determined on a pro-rata basis by the Committee; nomination fees may be required to be paid in full.

3.6 In the event of an applicant’s membership being rejected, any fees paid will be refunded.

3.7 A non-Member may subscribe to The Colonial at a fee, including postage (if applicable), determined by the Committee. Subscription to The Colonial is not a class of membership.

3.8 Standard membership fees entitle the member to receive The Colonial by email. The Colonial may be provided to a member in printed form where:

1. the member does not have reasonable access to email, or

2. the member agrees to pay the extra costs of printing and postage involved, or

3. the Committee decides that it is in the interests of CACMC that the member receive a printed Colonial.

3.9 Printed copies of The Colonial may also be made available for purchase at General Meetings, at a price agreed by the Committee.


4.1 A person ceases to be a member of CACMC if that person:

1. fails to renew membership of CACMC within the prescribed times;

2. resigns from membership of CACMC;

3. is expelled from CACMC;

4. dies; or

5. in the case of a corporate member, the body the person represents is dissolved.

4.2 ‘Honorary Life Member’ membership is terminated by:

1. request of the Life Member; or

2. notice of motion to any ordinary meeting on it becoming evident that the member cannot be contacted (eg address unknown); or

3. death of the Life Member.

4.3 The Committee may take disciplinary action against any member of CACMC where in the opinion of the Committee that member has violated the provisions of the Constitution of the Club.

4.4 Where disciplinary action is proposed to be taken against a member, the Committee will advise that member, in writing, at that member’s last known address, of the complaint which is raised against the member. The member has 30 days in which to respond either in writing, or in person at the next available Committee Meeting, to answer the complaint.

4.5 At the next available Committee Meeting, following the expiration of 30 days from the date of notice to the member, the Committee may decide on appropriate disciplinary action and will advise the member, in writing, of that decision.

4.6 Any person who has been expelled from CACMC shall forfeit all rights and claims on CACMC.


5.1 The President shall act as titular head of the Club and shall normally preside over all meetings and events.

5.2 The Vice President shall act for and assume the responsibilities of the President on occasions when the latter is unable to attend to his/her duties.

5.3 The Secretary, with the assistance of the Minute Secretary shall be responsible for formulating and recording full and accurate minutes of the proceedings at all meetings of the Club and the Committee by:

5.3.1 Preparing Committee meeting agendas

  • Taking and preparing minutes of Committee meetings
  • Drafting any correspondence pertaining to the operation of the Club

5.3.4 Receiving and despatching Club correspondence

5.3.5 Archiving Committee meeting minutes together with any papers tabled at Committee meetings and significant Club documents.

5.3.6 Keeping insurance records and certificates.

5.3.7 Preparation of agenda and notice for Special General Meetings.

5.3.8 Preparing notice of Annual General Meetings.

5.4 The Treasurer shall:

5.4.1 be responsible for keeping accurate accounts of the Club’s finances and making payments only under order of the Committee. The Treasurer shall maintain custody of the books, documents and/or securities of the Club and shall make such documents available for inspection by members provided reasonable notice is given. The Treasurer, with the assistance of the Membership Secretary shall also maintain a Register of members and their vehicles.

5.4.2 arrange for the accounts of the Club to be audited or reviewed at the end of the Club’s financial year, ie at 30th June each year. (Refer to Section 14 of the Constitution, ‘Accounting’).

5.5 The Editor shall be responsible for the publication and distribution of the Club’s periodical ‘The Colonial’, normally on a monthly basis, but in any case, at intervals not greater than three months. The Editor shall have discretion as to the content of the ‘The Colonial’, subject to the normal rules of good taste. The Editor is empowered to print letters to the Editor at his/her discretion. All letters and contributions should include the contributor’s name and honorary title where appropriate.

The Editor will be assisted by a Publishing Committee that includes officers responsible for the online and social media activities undertaken in the name of the Club, to ensure public communications are well coordinated.

5.6 The Events Director with the assistance of an Events Committee shall be responsible for the organisation, administration and management of Club events, and for liaison with other Clubs and authorities for participation in other events.

The Events Director shall also be responsible for the control and measures for safe custody of the Club’s trophies, and shall, in consultation with the Registration Officer and the Information Officer/Floor Member recommend to the Committee nominations for the awards each year as appropriate (see section 12 of these by-laws).

5.7 The Registrar shall be nominated by the Club. The Registrar is responsible for ensuring all member’s vehicles using the concessional registration systems in the ACT and NSW comply with relevant regulations. With respect to the ACT Concessional Registration Scheme, the responsibilities of the Club Registrar and any delegated compliance inspectors are as specified in the Council of ACT Motor Clubs By-laws, Section 9.

5.7.1 In addition to supervising the compliance inspection of vehicles proposed for concessional registration (as outlined in CACMC By-law 7), the Registrar will/p> provide general advice to persons enquiring about the eligibility of vehicles for registration and inclusion on the Club register; provide advice to members on sourcing technical support for vehicle maintenance and restoration projects; coordinate the examination of vehicles for the judging and award of Club trophies for vehicle restoration categories; oversee maintenance, updating and reporting of the Club Vehicle Register that records vehicle and ownership details, including registration status, of vehicles owned by Club members.

5.7.2 The Registrar may be supported by one or more Examiners appointed by the Club to conduct compliance inspections and to assist as required with other responsibilities of the Registrar as listed.

5.8 The Librarian shall be responsible for the organisation and efficient conduct of the Club’s Library. The Librarian shall not normally allow members to retain library material for a period exceeding three months at any one time. The Librarian shall keep a register of library material.

5.9 The Information Officer/Floor Member shall represent any member who believes that he/she has a grievance, and feels unable to represent himself/herself. As Information Officer he/she shall keep the membership informed of activities and news of interest, and shall liaise with the Editor as appropriate.

He/she shall arrange Club vehicle displays to support community activities as requested, liaising  with the Events Director to ensure no overlap occurs with formal Club events.

5.10 The Council of ACT Motor Clubs Representative shall be the club spokesman at the meetings of the ACT Council of Motor Clubs. He/she shall represent the club’s interests, put the club view on all matters pertaining to the Council operation and involvement in the heritage vehicle movement in the ACT and in addition, relay Council concerns on any relevant matters to the Committee.

5.11 The Shop Manager shall manage the Club’s merchandise. This involves ordering and storing the merchandise, offering it for sale at club meetings and on other appropriate occasions, keeping a record of stock, sales and cash received. The proceeds of sales shall be passed to the Treasurer on a regular basis. Decisions concerning the purchase of new lines of merchandise and additional stock shall be made in consultation with the management Committee.

5.12 The Public Officer is an ex officio Committee member. He/she shall give notice of his appointment and his/her address in accordance with Associations Incorporation Act 1991, and shall be a resident of the Australian Capital Territory. He/she shall keep the Committee informed of all matters relating to the requirements of the Act.


6.1 The Club shall comply with privacy laws.

6.2 The Club normally publishes in The Colonial the name, address, telephone number and details of historical vehicles owned including year of manufacture, make, model, condition and registration status when persons apply for membership. Where applicants for membership do not wish this information to be made public they should indicate this clearly on the application form. However they must provide sufficient information for their eligibility for membership to be assessed including name and home address.

6.3 The Club, from time to time publishes a List of Members containing the above information. If any member does not wish for all or any of this information to be included in the List they should advise the Committee in writing.


7.1 The CACMC sponsors members of the Club for registration under the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Concessional Registration Scheme (CRS). In order to participate in this scheme members must be financial members in the classes of ordinary members, family members or honorary life members and meet the additional requirements listed below.

7.2 Before a vehicle qualifies for participation in the CRS it must meet the guidelines specified by the ACT Council of Motor Clubs that manages the CRS on behalf of the ACT Government. These guidelines have been agreed with the ACT Road Transport Authority and are published on the Council’s website.

7.3 The Memorandum of Understanding between the ACT Government and the Council of ACT Motor Clubs (dated 15 December 2022) outlines in Schedule 3 the limits of vehicle modifications that may be accepted under the scheme as clarified by the Council.

7.4 The Club authority on all matters relating to acceptability of modifications under the CRS is the Registrar. The appointee within CACMC has been approved by the Council and meets the experience requirements of the Road Transport Authority (RTA) however delegated.

The Registrar is available for the advice and guidance of all members on matters relating to the engineering, restoration and modification of vehicles intended to be registered under the CRS. Members should check with the Registrar before proceeding with any modification which raises doubt as to its compliance with the CRS policy.

7.5 Where the Registrar has doubts as to the acceptability of a vehicle, the matter will be referred to the Council Registrar who will negotiate the matter with the RTA or its delegate body. The final decision rests with the RTA as to whether a vehicle will be registered under the provisions of the CRS. Members are encouraged to obtain and retain any documentation relating to their vehicle, its history and previous registrations so if disputes arise, evidence is available for the arbitrators.

7.6 As for all vehicles registered in the ACT, the roadworthiness of the vehicle is the sole responsibility of the owner.

7.7 Due to the number of vehicles on the CACMC register, a number of approved Examiners have been appointed to assist the Club Registrar with his duties as listed in By-law 5.7. With regard to CRS, the Examiners perform the duties of authorised compliance inspectors as set out in CACTMC By-laws (May 2024, Section 9). The names of the examiners shall be published in The Colonial and members must submit their vehicle for compliance inspection if they wish to use the CACMC to support their application for CRS re-registration.

The Club Registrar is to issue a delegation authority and a stamp to all Examiners approved to conduct compliance inspections, detailing the tasks which are to be undertaken when checking for CRS compliance. When the Examiners are satisfied that the member and vehicle requirements are met, they are to complete and sign the CRS `white` form as Delegated Inspectors on behalf of the Registrar and use the Examiners stamp to verify the process is complete. Examiners are to keep a record of all vehicles inspected for compliance, which may include comment or advice concerning a vehicle’s compliance with ACT general registration requirements.


8.1 The BBQ trailer was acquired from Club funds for the express purpose of providing a facility for the use of Club members on monthly runs and other Club events. It is not available for private use in any circumstances.

8.2 To protect the Club investment and to ensure the BBQ trailer is available on a continuing basis for members’ use for many years the following policy has been adopted. Unless requests for the use of the trailer accord with the principles and details of the following, such requests will be denied.

8.3 Custodianship. The BBQ trailer is Club property but is allocated to the Events Committee for its continuing care and maintenance.

They are responsible for:

8.3.1 parking and security;

8.3.2 ensuring the unit is maintained in a clean and serviceable condition;

8.3.3 the gas bottle being sufficiently full and ready for use;

8.3.4 consumable supplies being acquired and stocked in the unit for use in Club events;

8.3.5 advising the Management Committee of any expenditure required for the maintenance or upgrading of the unit;

8.3.6 briefing authorised users and operators on the correct use of the unit.

8.4 Club Use. The BBQ trailer is to be available for all published CACMC runs and events ahead of any authorised use. This ensures that the unit is there for the benefit of the membership at large as first priority. Provision of all trailer consumables (e.g., gas, napkins, coffee/tea, sugar, oil, etc.) will be provided from Club funds for these Club events.

8.5 Other Uses. If the use of the BBQ trailer is sought for other events allied to the heritage vehicle movement and the charitable efforts of the Club such use must be in the interests of the CACMC membership and not just an individual member. The Management Committee will make the final decision concerning the availability of the trailer for such other use.

In making such decisions the following rules will apply:

8.5.1 Management Committee authorised charitable support activities conducted by CACMC members in support of ACT charities are acceptable.

8.5.2 hosting interstate vehicle clubs visiting the ACT on a published rally or tour, in which case; at least five CACMC members must be involved in the event, a Club member must accept responsibility for the trailer, including the provision of all consumables at no cost to the Club unless otherwise authorised by the Committee, the unit is returned in a clean and restocked condition by those involved, any damage incurred to the unit or loss of equipment is paid for by those involved unless such liability is accepted by the Committee, and the appointed event custodian is fully briefed on trailer operation.

8.5.3 fund raising activities for CACMC. There may be circumstances where the use of the BBQ trailer is proposed for the support of an event which could raise funds for CACMC. In general, such activities should be heritage movement related and conducted under the direction and supervision of the Events Committee. Again, at least five CACMC members must be involved.

All use of the BBQ trailer other than those involved with the usual Club runs and outings requires the submission of a proposal to the Management Committee. The proposal will include all details as to how the proponents will meet the requirements laid down in these rules. The Committee decision on any submission will be final.


9. The Club Aims and Objectives list among its purposes; the encouragement of goodwill, friendship and communication between this Club and all other Associations having like objectives and the offering of the support of the Club, its members and vehicles to charitable organizations.

To these ends the Club’s assets or services may sometimes need to be made available for purposes not directly related to the majority of the membership. If a group of members wish the Club to be involved in such activities they should, prior to making any commitment to outside organizations, request the Club Committee to approve such involvement.

In seeking this approval, the proposal should indicate:

9.1 the exact nature of the commitment,

9.2 the body or individuals to which the commitment is being proposed,

9.3 justification as to why the Club should make such a commitment,

9.4 benefits that the Club may receive as the result of accepting the commitment,

9.6 any financial commitments the Club may incur as the result of providing the support,

9.7 any risks to which the Club may be exposed, such as public liability and,

9.8 which Club members will be involved in this activity and the member who will act as a liaison officer.

The Committee shall consider the proposal and inform the proponents as to any limitations that may be imposed. The Committee decision on any submission will be final.


To offset the costs of registration and insurance and maintain the CACMC vehicle trailer in good condition members using it are required to make a contribution as determined by the Committee and advised in the Colonial. Any damage caused during use must be paid for by the member unless determined otherwise by the Committee. Proof of membership must be provided when borrowing the trailer. The member borrowing the trailer is responsible for compliance with all road regulations.


11.1 Responsibilities

11.1.1 The Property Coordinator is to maintain a register of club equipment

11.1.2 Any person transferring custody of an item of club equipment is responsible for advising the Property Coordinator when they pass an item of equipment to another member.

11.1.3 The last person recorded in the club equipment register as holding an item of equipment is responsible for that equipment. If the item is lost or damaged, the Club expects that member to make good that loss or damage.

11.1.4 Members may not modify the equipment without prior agreement of the Property Coordinator.

 11.2 Procedures

11.2.1 Intending borrowers contact the Property Coordinator to find out who has the item of equipment to be borrowed.

11.2.2 If the item is in stock the Property Coordinator arranges for the equipment to be collected and for a return date.

11.2.3 If it is not currently in stock the Property Coordinator checks the equipment register to see who has the item to be borrowed, then advises the enquiring member of the name and phone number of the person who has the item of equipment.

11.2.4 The intending borrower contacts the member in custody of the equipment and arranges a suitable time to collect it.

11.2.5 The member handing over custody of the equipment to another member contacts the Property Coordinator with the name of the new custodian.

11.2.6 The new custodian advises the Property Coordinator of a return date.

11.2.7 If a member wishes to retain the equipment beyond the agreed return date they should negotiate this with the Property Coordinator.

11.2.8 Any dispute concerning use of the Clubs equipment which cannot be resolved through discussion with the Property Coordinator should be referred to the Committee for determination.


CACMC encourages the restoration, preservation and use of antique and classic motor vehicles. To this end it offers awards to members who contribute to these activities. These awards are of two types, those that are awarded on the basis of the quality of the vehicles and those which recognise contributions to the operation of the Club.

All awards are decided by the Management Committee on the recommendation of various groups or individuals.

12.1 Vehicle Quality Awards

Those wishing to have vehicles considered for these awards must complete an application form and forward it to the Registration Officer seven days prior to a designated date or event decided by the Committee (eg.Wheels). Each vehicle must be presented for judging at the event. Although vehicles for judging do not need to be on concessional registration, they must be eligible for concessional registration. . These awards shall be recommended by the Registration Officer and the Examiners who shall rank the nominated vehicles in order.

12.1.1 Restoration of the Year – Vehicles manufactured before the end of 1945.

12.1.2 Restoration of the Year – Vehicles manufactured after the end of 1945.

Guidelines for both the above categories:

  • Most commendable restoration, in each category, taking into account the type of vehicle and the input of the owner. Criteria to include:
  • Make and age of vehicle.
  • Condition when found (photos) and completeness.
  • Distance travelled to find vehicle and parts.

  • Time taken to restore.
  • Use of vehicle subsequent to restoration.
  • Conditions restored in, eg backyard, garage, workshop.
  • Qualifications and experience of owner.
  • Amount of support given by family and/or friends.
  • Amount of work actually performed by owner.
  • Originality of restoration.

Judged within two years of first registration following restoration and only judged once following each restoration.

12.1.3 Mal Mason Vehicle of the Year Trophy

Awarded to a vehicle that has been bought in a restored or roadworthy or original condition. May be partly or completely restored by others. Judged once in one person’s ownership and within two years of registration in the Club or change of ownership.

12.1.4 Bill Amies Mechanical Excellence Trophy

Judged each year on mechanical condition, restoration and maintenance alone. Criteria to include standard of mechanical repairs or restoration, cleanliness, condition when purchased, age of vehicle, availability of parts, maintenance standard and reliability. Mileage driven during the year should also be taken into account.

12.1.5 The Ross Everitt Best American Marque Trophy

 Presented by three members of the Pontiac Club of the USA in memory of CACMC member Ross Everitt. Awarded to the vehicle of an American marque judged the best presented on show at a designated judging event. Vehicles will not be considered for the award where they have won the trophy in the last five years.

12.1.6 The Best English Car Award

Eligibility Conditions: The term “English Car” shall be taken as referring to a model of vehicle first manufactured in Great Britain but derivatives of the model manufactured in other countries are also included, e.g. Bantam (USA) and Austin Freeway (AUST). Vehicles manufactured in Great Britain but sold by another car company in other countries, e.g. Nash Metropolitan, are also included.

The car must be owned by a financial member of the Club and be registered.

Judging Criteria: The Judging Panel shall take into consideration the Condition, Appearance and Presentation of the vehicle on the day of the designated judging event, having regard both to the age of the vehicle, the nature of the restoration undertaken, if any, and the use made of the vehicle.

12.2 Participation and Encouragement Awards

12.2.1 Peoples’ Choice

To be voted by the public at the designated event. Members are encouraged to display photographs and information about the vehicle and its restoration.

12.2.2 Bill Southwell Encouragement Trophy

To be awarded to a young, inexperienced or keen member who has achieved a high standard of restoration so far and deserves recognition for his or her efforts It should take into account setbacks in restoration, and difficult conditions with which to work, such as moving house, additions to the family, and work or family responsibilities.

12.2.3 Events Shield

To be awarded to a person who has participated most regularly in Club events, or has made significant contributions to club events while not being a member of the Events Committee. The Events Committee shall recommend this award, taking account of factors such as attendance in a historic or earlier vehicle, or using a modern vehicle to tow a Club trailer to events.

12.2.4 Henry Le Grande Club Participation Award

To go to a member who helps other members, gives assistance with meetings and outings. Someone who freely gives advice, service or time, lends tools and equipment to other members of the Club. Someone who welcomes new members and introduces them around. One who furthers the work of the entire vehicle movement.

12.2.5 Bill Phillips Roaming Ambassador Award

Presented to a Club member who promotes goodwill within the antique vehicle movement in the Canberra region, who spreads goodwill when touring or goes out of his/her way to welcome members of visiting vehicle clubs.

 12.2.6 Hard Luck Trophy

Awarded to someone who has just had plain bad luck resulting in setback of restoration or use of an  old car. To include bad luck on a personal side such as a house burgled, motor accident, health problems or even divorce.

12.2.7 Fossicker’s Award

A person always attending swap meetings, trading parts, etc. Perhaps the lengths that a person goes to in order to obtain parts or a complete car. One who passes on information to other members.

12.2.8 Colonial Award

Recommended by the editor for the best article or the most contributions to the Colonial.

The Committee may from time to time make other awards for outstanding contributions by Club members.

Club members are encouraged to recommend to the Management Committee recipients for the Bill Southwell Trophy, the Henry Le Grande Award, the Bill Phillips Award, the Hard Luck Trophy and the Fossicker’s Award.


Where a dispute exists between two members or groups of members of the Club concerning matters relating to Club activities they may request the Committee to mediate on the matter. If the Committee considers that the dispute is capable of resolution the Committee shall appoint a mediator to consider the views of the parties to the dispute and attempt to mediate a solution.

Where a dispute exists between the Committee and a member or group of members the President shall request the President of the Council of ACT Motor Clubs to appoint a mediator to consider the views of the Committee and the aggrieved party and attempt to mediate a solution.


14.1 The by-laws shall be open to the inspection of all members and copies shall be maintained in the Club’s library for this purpose. Copies of the By-laws shall be supplied to members upon such terms as the Committee may from time to time direct.

14.2 The Registrar-General’s Office of the ACT Government requires changes to certain areas of the objects or rules (includingby-laws) of the Club to be lodged with them. Any changes affecting these areas need to be passed by at least three quarters of the members voting at any Special or Annual General Meeting. All other Clauses of the By-laws shall be amended by the Committee as the need arises.

10 September 2024